Noise Service Centers in Jalandhar

Noise Service Center in Jalandhar, Punjab customer care contact support, service center contact numbers e-mail support, contact address and serviceable products list shared for customer to connect easily.

Customer Care

Customer Care Number088821-32132
(Mon-Sat, 9:30am-6:00pm)

Service Center Address

F1 Fateh international
Shop no. 4,8/1, opposite All India Radio Stn.
Near Lajwanti Hospital, Jalandhar
Jalandhar 144001
PH – 9779030700 , 7009688548

Corporate Office

Nexxbase Marketing Pvt Ltd
Khasra No-146/25/2/1,
Jail Road, Badshahpur,
Gurugram, Haryana-122101

Products Offered

  • Smart Watches
  • Bluetooth Earphones
  • Wireless Earbuds
  • NoiseFit App
  • Accessories

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